Terms of Use.
All of Uriel Corporation's
business is done through written agreements and all business,
and financial arrangements are specified through the terms and
conditions specified in said written agreements.
Calls for Research, Commercialization Opportunities, Research &
Development Ventures, Website Projects, and Other Projects,
including their participation and resources are limited to
availability and to various other constraints and may be
withdrawn without notice. Projects posted on Uriel's Website are
not an offer to buy or sell securities nor is Uriel offering
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of more formal subscription offerings or more formal written
agreements with proper filings to the SEC if required. No
license is expressed or implied nor granted
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with respect to any of its
projects, products, technologies, products models, patents,
Uriel's intellectual property, trade secrets, or pending
developments. Any license, sale or interest to any of these
items would be the matter of further written agreements. If you
or your company is interested in discussing licensing, royalty
agreements, purchasing or licensing copyrights, purchasing or
licensing patents & trademarks, entering into joint ventures or
other agreements, if you are in venture capital, contract
manufacturing, research and development, are interested in
distribution or reseller agreements, or would like to enter into
a partnership, merger, perform an acquisition, develop trade
agreements, or if you would like to pursue equity positions in
one or more of Uriel's projects should you find projects in our
DATABASE, or if you would like to volunteer your
services to the Think Tank, donate funds, or fund Uriel
Corporation for mutual profit, contact Uriel Corporation as
specified below. You may receive our Commercialization
Opportunities List and find projects of interest and also enroll
to be Continually updated for our Commercialization
Opportunities update Newsletter by enrolling in our DATABASE by downloading and purchasing and filling out the
following form:
Opportunity Newsletter Enrollment Update", Item 12327-17.